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Los Angeles Attempted Murder Attorney

Being charged with attempted murder is an immensely serious and stressful situation. At The Law Office of John Goalwin, we understand the severity of these charges and the profound impact they can have on a defendant’s life, freedom, and future.  

With over four decades of trial experience, our criminal lawyer is prepared to defend your rights with diligence and strive for the most favorable resolution in your case. 

Entrusting your attempted murder defense to The Law Office of John Goalwin means choosing a firm that is distinguished not only by its aggressive and innovative defense strategies but also by its record of success in handling severe criminal charges.  

We represent clients throughout Torrance, Norwalk, Van Nuys, Compton, and the nearby Los Angeles neighborhoods. No matter the circumstances of your case, we’re ready to listen to your side of the story and fight for your best outcome.  

Our Approach to Defending Against Attempted Murder Charges

Our defense starts with an exhaustive analysis of the charges and evidence against you. We meticulously scrutinize every aspect of the prosecution's case, including the alleged motives, evidence of intent, and the circumstances surrounding the incident.  

Our goal is to construct a defense strategy that is not only personalized to your case but also disrupts the prosecution's narrative and highlights the weaknesses in their case. 

We also provide bilingual legal support in both English and Spanish, ensuring that communication remains clear and comprehensive throughout your case, no matter which is your primary language. Contact our Los Angeles-based law firm today to schedule a free consultation and learn how we can assist you in navigating through this challenging time. 

Don’t Hesitate to Get Help

Understanding Your Attempted Murder Charge

Under California law, attempted murder is defined as the crime of taking a direct step towards killing another person or fetus, with the specific intent to kill, but ultimately failing in causing the intended death. It falls under the umbrella of California Penal Code section 664/187(a), which outlines the punishment for an attempt to commit a crime that is not carried out to completion.  

Crucial to the charge of attempted murder is demonstrating proof of specific intent—meaning the person accused must have had a clear intention to kill, rather than merely harm or scare the victim.  

Furthermore, the law differentiates between two degrees of attempted murder. First-degree attempted murder requires proof of premeditation and deliberation, or that the act was carried out with explosives, destructive devices, or by firing a gun from a motor vehicle intentionally at another person outside of the vehicle with the intent to kill. Conviction typically carries a life sentence in state prison with the possibility of parole.  

Second-degree attempted murder, on the other hand, applies to all other instances of attempted murder and carries a lesser penalty, which can vary but usually involves a significant number of years in state prison.  

It's not enough for someone to have simply thought about committing murder; there must be an action that moves beyond planning or preparation and clearly indicates that the murder would have occurred had the plan not been interrupted. Successful defense strategies often revolve around disputing the intent to kill or arguing that the actions taken were not a direct move to carry out the murder. 

What Are Some Examples of Attempted Murder Cases?

Examples of attempted murder include, but are not limited to: 

  • Shooting at Someone: Whether it's in a public space or a private setting, firing a gun with the intention of hitting and killing a specific individual, but failing to do so, constitutes attempted murder. 

  • Poisoning: Secretly administering a poison with the intention to kill another person. If the victim survives or the poison does not have the intended lethal effect, it is considered an attempt. 

  • Strangulation: Attempting to kill someone by strangulation but the victim survives, either due to an interruption or because the strangulation did not result in death. 

  • Stabbing: Using a knife or any sharp object with the intent to kill someone, but the victim survives the attack.  

  • Tampering With Vehicle Brakes: Intentionally tampering with someone's car brakes in hopes of causing a fatal crash, but the plan fails to result in death. 

  • Setting a Fire: Deliberately setting a fire with the intent to kill someone inside a building or vehicle, but the individual escapes or is rescued. 

Each of these examples involves a deliberate action with the intent to end human life, which, when thwarted, falls under the category of attempted murder. 

Defense Strategies for Attempted Murder Charges

Our defense strategies are as versatile and unique as the cases we handle. Depending on the specifics of your case, potential defenses may include: 

  • Lack of Intent: Demonstrating that the accused did not have the intention to commit murder, which is a critical element of attempted murder charges. 

  • Self-Defense or Defense of Others: Arguing that the accused's actions were a necessary response to an immediate threat to their or someone else's life. 

  • Mistaken Identity: Providing evidence that the accused was wrongly identified as the perpetrator. 

  • Insufficient Evidence: Exploiting weaknesses in the prosecution's case, such as lack of direct evidence, to create reasonable doubt. 

  • Alibi: Presenting evidence that the accused was not present at the scene of the crime. 

At The Law Office of John Goalwin, we dedicate ourselves to exploring every avenue of defense, conducting thorough investigations, and leveraging our in-depth legal knowledge to build a robust defense tailored to your case. 

How to Prepare for the Road Ahead

Facing attempted murder charges can be a daunting and overwhelming experience, but preparation and proactive steps can significantly impact the outcome. Begin by ensuring open and honest communication with your defense attorney, sharing all relevant facts and information about your case.  

If you're able, gather any evidence that may support your defense, including eyewitness accounts, alibis, or any documentation that can provide context or disprove the charges against you.  

It's also key to understand the legal process and potential outcomes, so ask your defense team to explain each step and to help you prepare, from pre-trial motions to the trial itself. Doing this will help you not only be more at ease with the process but also allow you to provide critical input and feedback throughout your case.

Los Angeles Attempted Murder Defense Attorney

Facing attempted murder charges can feel isolating, but you don't have to go through it alone. The Law Office of John Goalwin is here to offer you experienced and compassionate legal representation. Contact us today for a confidential consultation to discuss the specifics of your case and learn how we can advocate for your rights and future.